
3年前—实现每8分钟启动一次任务的实际执行情况是,从整点的0分钟开始每隔8分钟执行一次,所以56分钟时会执行一次且下次0分钟又会执行,其他小时、日应该也是类似 ...,Thisutilitymanagesflock(2)locksfromwithinshellscriptsorthecommandline...flock(1)-Linuxmanpage...timeout]lockdir[-c]command...flock[-sxun] ...,-w,--wait,--timeoutsecondsFailifthelockcannotbeacquiredwithinseconds.Decimalfractionalvaluesareallo...


3 年前 — 实现每8分钟启动一次任务的实际执行情况是,从整点的0分钟开始每隔8分钟执行一次,所以56分钟时会执行一次且下次0分钟又会执行,其他小时、日应该也是类似 ...

flock(1): Manage locks from shell scripts

This utility manages flock(2) locks from within shell scripts or the command line ... flock(1) - Linux man page ... timeout] lockdir [-c] command... flock [-sxun] ...


-w, --wait, --timeout seconds Fail if the lock cannot be acquired within seconds. Decimal fractional values are allowed. See the -E option for the exit status ...

Linux 小撇步:利用flock來做同步和非同步應用

10 年前 — flock [-sxon] [-w timeout] lockdir [-c] command... flock [-sxun] [-w timeout] fd DESCRIPTION This utility manages flock(2) locks from within ...


8 年前 — You can use SIG_ALARM to do it. http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Setting-an-Alarm.html It is kind of tricky though, ...


13 年前 — The issue is that, if the flock process fails to get the lock within the timeout, it has no way of killing the parent process (i.e. the ...

linux flock命令解决linux定时任务重复执行问题

3 年前 — 在做计划任务的时候,可能由于某些问题,任务没有执行完成,导致任务重复的运行,解决这个问题,只需要一个flock命令就可以了。 flock --helpflock ...

Best Practice to Avoid Flock Hangs?

1 年前 — What is the best way to add a timeout and/or retry to a script trying to obtain a flock? I was thinking I could use flock(LOCK_NB) then ...

Transmute 2.09 - 書籤大王

Transmute 2.09 - 書籤大王
